We are a small but dedicated team of volunteers who understand how important each moment is. Be it the moment of graduation, the fear and helplessness at seeing a loved one grow more and more ill, the joy of a new life, the anguish of a lost one, we understand that each moment is precious and greatly influenced by the relationships around us. Jim Dempsey taught us to take nothing for granted, and live every day to the fullest. To that end, we dedicate this Foundation in his memory and hope that our efforts will enhance those moments in your life; and, in so doing, you can go on to spread love and joy in your own lives, and those lives whom you will touch.
The Mission of the Jim Dempsey Foundation — We debated about what to write for our Mission Statement for several months, and have decided on something very simple and true to Jim Dempsey.
“The Jim Dempsey Foundation is dedicated to continuing his legacy of hope, kindness and positive development. Our Mission is to help others spread love, joy, education and care to those affected by illness.”
Board Members
If you’re interesting in volunteering for the JDF, please email: drdempsey@outlook.com